Korean Dish today

Today’s dish is Korean dish named Buddae Jjigae , this food has a history to it which I will come back in a moment

Buddae Chigae - Korean Dish

This is how the dish look like , basically it has sausages , vegetables along with noodles ( topping ) and is provided in the stove in our table and we cook a little bit until the noodles is cooked and start eating .
Now back to the history part of the food ,during the war situation in Korea they could not get enough food , they used to get the excesss food from the US Military bases ( Buddae - 부대 in korean means Army unit) and combine all the available edible things and cook together and there by this dish came to being ….. Buddae Jjigae ……now Korean have this dish in their menu still as it is delicious and very famous …..


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